Client Testimonials
Digital Marketing Testimonials
Irene Dominguez ,
"My work involves connecting small business owners to professional consultants, and I usually remain involved in consulting projects to varying degrees. In this capacity, I’ve had the pleasure to work with Erik on projects for a few of my small business clients. Erik is always responsive and available to guide and discuss a potential project match. Once he starts a consulting project, he gets it done fast and does a little extra when needed. In the past year, Erik has built websites for a few my clients, one of whom reported increased book sales after Erik created a website featuring the book and linking to the page to buy it!"
Destiny Wakins,

“I highly recommend Erik Bunaes as someone with an in-depth understanding of the digital marketing needs of small businesses and the knowledge to teach that information to others. Erik has hosted several workshops on various topics surrounding digital marketing and marketing development for small businesses for the Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region. His expertise is invaluable and his accommodating nature for questions and willingness to provide additional resources for our clients has been highly praised by workshop attendees.”